UPDATE: 4/4/2022
holy vegan cow, a year of living together flew by and I’m more and more in love with you each day! I’m so proud of all the things we have been able to do together, from our studio, to our epic naps, to our incredible vegan journey ~ and constantly pushing and supporting eachother the whole time. 

I feel like I’ve gotten to watch you grow so much in the past year, you’re becoming an even more incredible, confidenent, authentic, badass and super hot woman by the day. You’ve helped me grow so much too. 

From our covid new years eve, to our so-much-fun job working together on sized to our roadtrip to Arizona, every experience with you is my favorite one! 

So excited to be in new york with you this week, big sur in a few and chicago after that. I have a feeling we will go many more places together.

I love you endlessly. I am so proud of us, and you.



Notes on your Birthday:

Amy baby! There aren’t enough words to tell you how amazing it has been getting to know you and learning to share our lives together.

You bring so much play, joy, and love to my world and if you asked me my favorite part about you I could go on for days. we laugh...A LOT. Even our hardest days are filled with love because we both want the same thing.

Like I said, I don’t have all the words, but I do know I can’t wait to eat all the food with you, play with your hair til you fall asleep, smell ur stinky armpits, listen to you tell me your ideas, squeeze ur perfect butt and wake up looking at you every day forever.

Love You always & HBD,
ur hot bf Davy

Hot Girlfriend Appeciation Club~